Friday, October 17, 2008


Hey have you ever had people come to you and said that " why do u wear diaper's all the time"? for all i now is that win i tell people that they thank that I'm am and very very sick person and they do no what to see me one more.I just what to say to people "go away and do not talk to that person at all"i love win people come to me saying that wow i like what u do and i just what to now why u do that.{people look it's just me i love being what i like to be and stop telling me that you what to do that kind la thing and i now that i will not evening do it.My friend's tell me that all i have to do is do not talk to those people no more because they just mad that what you do they can not evening do it and you like to have fun form what you like to do and stall tell this day i do not like people saying bad thing's about what other people love to do.

My mommy all way's tell me "people just do not like to do thing you love doing because they cannot evening do them".Today there was one of the most thing's i have ever see before in my life.Do you now when you go to and friends house they say "wow where have you being at long time long seeing you men so what is good"?This guy was one of my best friend's that we love gong place allot at any time.When he came to my house to pick me up to go some where he was tell my mommy"why do your son do that kinda thing for what is he nut's are something" she looks at him and said "no i real do not now why my son do that kinda thing for any way"as much as my mother see me do AB/DL all the time i really was lost when she said that.When we got in he car and what off my mother cell me on my friend's cell phone saying that"boy your girlfriend is here and she will like to talk to you about something boy".I did not evening if she was at home are not at my house.So i tell my mother to tell my girlfriend that"i do not evening now form what time I'm going to come home right now.Then she said "huh huh OK talk to you soon bye"ever time i hear my mother's voice i be happy er ever time when i go some what family and friends i now and love.

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