Saturday, June 27, 2009


When I got up that day to go to work want my friend.It was nice and HOT!! outside and I did NOT have on my diaper.So I want to my Friend's house n L.A to work for him.And when I got there and we started working we heard on his RADIO that MICHAL JACKSON died! man I got home my mommy watched VH1 soul for 3 DAYS and I said "WILL I DO NOT KNOW THAT!!"
I now that I will mess MICHAEL JACKSON because of want he did to all of us in the world.He made this WORLD very very HAPPY and no one will take his spot light like MICHAEL JACKSON took are heart's want his song's.I hope that this his family will be happy and stay together to FIX this world up.When I was young when my mommy learned to MICHAEL JACKSON'S song's to this day I will never forgave him.It was said from want people did to that men but for want I know MICHAEL JACKSON will never do that in his life.I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM.
That night I got in the bath and I had to get into a NICE and DRY DIAPER.Because my mommy said that she dose not want me to *PEE PEE* all on my safe.People today was sad about MICHAEL JACKSON,but like someone else say "LIVE YOUR LIFE LIKE HE DID"and I know I am about to live my life as a AB/DL diaper lover.

"WOW" what a "JAM" yesterday me and mommy/girlfriend woke up and had a BIG break fast! We had scrambled eggs +french toast. Afterwards my mommy/girlfriend said well little one what do you want to do today so we first went to the COMPUTER LAB, went home got dressed and we went to the "WOW JAM" the place was full of CHRISTIAN people from all ages and sizes.
When we got there I took my *BIKE* to get it fix,but the line was way too long and they cut off the line I cried to mommy and she hugged me and said " OH DON"T CRY LITTLE ONE IT"S OK YOU"LL GET YOUR BIKE FIXED ONE DAY LET'S GET SOMETHING TO EAT AND IT'S FREE TOO!"We stood in long line and we finally ate.That's when I saw the FACE PAINTING LINE and said "OHHH!MOMMY LOOK IT!!!" Can I get a PUERTO RICO FLAG on my face?hmmm?My mommy almost said NO but changed her mind and said "yes!"The lady messed up the flag be cues she didn't know what one looked like.My face had the wrong flag man was I "MAD"!,But mommy took me over to the stage and we saw! PIE EATING CONTEST,HULA HOOP CONTEST,SINGING CONTEST,we saw men doing PUSH UPS and LITTLE CHILDREN like me SHOUTING MARSH MELLOW in their *MOUTH* screaming "FUZZY BUNNY" really *LOUD* I tried to win a NEW bike for mommy,but hey never called my name.I was SAD then we prayed for MICHAEL JACKSON DEATH and we got BIG BAGS OF FOOD and went on home.
"A MOMMY'S CORNER" I took my little one to the "WOW JAM" and he had a great time except for when his number was never called when the had the RAFFLE.My baby cried until I took him to get something to eat.he had ate SO much hill his little tummy got fat.He wanted to eat in the PIE EATING CONTEST,but I told him "you ate enough.
We danced and he stopped and was watching the little boy sing a MICHAEL JACKSON song. he said "WOW MOMMY I REALLY WANNA HELP YOU AT THE HOUSE" and I said "OKAY LET'S HELP MOMMY GET SOME FREE BAGS OF FOOD" and we went HOME.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was stunnned when micheal jackson died. good thing you had on a dry diaper so you could soak it quite a bit during the night. I like you page its very interesting how you indocperate the iapers into everyday life.