Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hey how many of you baby's will like to BREAK DANCE? I know today me and my mommy when there to have a little fun right.some guy and girl came in and striated to dance right,they came to us and said "WOW YOU TO KNOW HOW TO DO THAT?" we look at each other and said to them"WILL I KNOW HOW TO DANCE A LITTLE AND MY GIRLFRIEND WILL SHENA DO IT ALL".Those two people look at us and said"WILL LIT DO IT?" we said"OK" then that is when we started to dancing ever where what them.

Yesterday and today my mommy was *SICK*.My mommy was up all night want her sickness she evening got me up.And I was fast asleep in my crib.I fell so sorry that my girlfriend was sick that I try to do something for her witch I love to do best.I want down to get my girlfriend some ICE COLD WATER and some BINDERY to help her fell a little bit better.It just makes me *sad* when I see other people and my girlfriend sick.Like today on this game that was called "HABBO" a friend on there had and HOLE IN HER HEART.I am not going to say any names because I am not that kind of person to people.I just hope and pray that my girlfriend/mommy and this friend on HABBO will be fine.

Today I was soo happy that OBAMA was PRESIDENT I all most "CRY". My mommy all most did the same thing but she look at me and said"BABY DO NOT CRY EVERYTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE AND PRESIDENT OBAMA IS GOING TO DO THAT ALL"I look up to my mommy and tell her"THANK YOU FOR BEING AND GOOD MOMMY."

At the MLK parade it was nice me and my mommy had FUN EATING AND SEEING SOME OF ARE OLD FRIENDS.I was also looking at some of the nice people in the parade witch was good.My 3 day's weekend was good evening me still looking for and job.My family and my loving girlfriend still love me and will try there best to help me look for some work.I love them so much that I pray for my family and friends everyday because I love them.

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