Sunday, December 14, 2008


You know what? How many of you AB/DLs would like to see Santa Claus come to us? I know all this week I've been waiting to see Santa Clause everyday for the week. My mommy keeps saying "DR.EYES look baby, Santa Claus is going to come to us but he has to see all the other babies first then you" for what I know is my mommy is right Santa is here but I may have to stay home and do what I need to do.

When me and my mommy went to bed she told me she was going to sing me one of her Christmas songs that she made. It was called

Little "FAT SANTA" boy

Hey little Santa hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
your pants are falling down hahahahahahahahaha
you have a little dick to hahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaha

Now you're smelling hahahahahahaha
your gut is hinging down hahahahaha
you can't even see your dick hahahahahahaha
you have a BIG ass too hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Rudolph left you hahahahahahaha
now all you have is the sleigh hahahahahaha
the neighborhood is throwing hahahahahaha
shit at you hahahahaha
on the top or the kooff hahahahahaha

you tried to go down the chimney hahahahahaha
but you couldn't get away hahahahahaha
cause your gut got stake in the chimney hahahahaha
and they lit the fire logs too. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha


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