Monday, July 27, 2009


When I got up this morning I went to the store to get my BABY something to EAT for the whole day cause I was pueparing to leave my BABY at home the entive day as I was going to the SEABREEZE FESTIVAL CONCERT.My baby at the last minute after saying "NO HE DIDN'T WANT TO GO ALL WEEK"that he wanted to go with mommy but the place that sold the TICKETS was CLOSED so he had to stay at home.When I got dressed I KISSED him good bye,with little BABY TEAR'S in his EYES.When I got to the concert there was a long LINE.When it came to me I ended up throwing away my FOOD cause it was NOT ALLOWED INSIDE THE CONCERT.

There was VENDORS selling FOOD and GIFTS.After I bought an ICY I sat down on the GRASS and the first performer came out I shaked my BOOTY so good that the SINGER acknowledged me and told the crowd to give me an APPLAUSE.Everyone clapped and said "YEYY DO IT GIRL WHINE YOUR BOOTY"Then this LADY from ALABAMA got up and stood NEXT TO ME with her BIG BOOBS AND DANCED TOO.HE HE!TANYA STEPHENS came out and sanged I blew a KISS to her and she BLEW one BACK.The NEXT preformer were 5 JAMAICAN BOYS from LAUDERDALE FLORID they sanged and the lead singer mimicked MICHAEL JACKSON.The other ACT'S were some what boring ESPECIALLY this white guy who kept singing and singing.Then finally WAYNE WONDER came out.He caught my EYE and I WAVED at him and he WAVED BACK.

Out of no where were these 3 PRETTY BLACK GIRLS they were from AFRICA they were very friendly.All of the ACT'S never asked who was from AFRICA,so they kept saying A-FRI-CA!!we were behind a gate that blocked us from getting close to the STAGE so we took a GREEN band from a GUY they knew and from a GUY they knew and we cone by one tried to put the band on our ARM'S,But it never worked HE HE HE!I took another break to go PEE and I bumped into an old FRIEND FROM FLORIDA named DAVID.He was from FLORIDA TOO!I began to CRY cause I was HOMESICK.Around 6:00pm SPRAGGA BENZ came out and I danced so hard!!THAT MAN WAS AMAZING!!!Then EDIE came to with another singer his PANTS SAGGING I laughed cause and OLD BELIZIAN LADY kept YELLING at him "GIT HIM OFF A STAGE MON HE NEEDS PULL UPPA HIS PANTS WHO HE THINK HE IS PLAY BOY?"I laughed and when the security guards were staring and laughing at me I laughed TOO,until he pointed to my SHORTS I realized my ZIPPER was OPENED."How EMBARRASING!"

Finally ELEPHANT MAN came out ROEKED the show that's when I saw and OLD PUERTO RICAN MAN I saw at the night CLUBS in MIAMI.He asked me "HOW WAS I" and I told him "I AM FINE AND THAT I HAVE A PUERTO RICAN BOYFRIEND!" and he told me to tell my baby to "REPRESENT PUERTO RICO TO THE FULLEST 100%".Then a FIGHT BROKE OUT this MEXICAN GIRL threw BEER on 2 BELIZIAN GIRLS and 2 PUERTO RICO GIRLS the BELIZIAN GIRLS grabbed her by her HAIR and PUNCHED the HELL out of her she broke away and RAN.The secury officers caught her and took her to JAIL.(LIKE MY LITTLE SAY'S BABY JAIL)mean while ELEPHANT MAN did a tribute to MICHAEL JACKSON he tried to MOONWALK but FELL DOWN.He then sanged "GULLY CREPA" He got the 4yr old girl on STAGE and gave her some MONEY to do the GULLEY CREPA.When she did he gave her more MONEY to do the SWEEPA DANCE and when she did that one good to he said "WAIT UP A MINUTE.....YA TRICK ME GO BACK TO YO MOMMY".Man we kept waung our towels FLAGS and arms in the AIR we kept JUMPING like him until I was DONE.

I then said "OH OH IT'S THEN GETTING LATE AND MY BABY IS AT HOME ALONE!!"I skipped the final PERFORMANS of LUCIANO and I left,when I got home my baby was up and he was HAPPY TO SEE ME we talked about our day and watched a MOVIE about ZOMBIES and went to SLEEP.
Me and my mommy what to a CAR SHOW it was nice we seed alot of can form are time are in my mommy time yesterday.Here is some pic's of the CAR that me and my mommy see yesterday.
And this is a pic of meee (hehehehe)

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