Sunday, October 5, 2008


Men yesterday was one of the bad day's i have ever see in my life this guy's was looking at me in the car right and i looked at them.So one of this guy's came over and said"what and the hell r u doing what and pacifier in your moth like that." i looked at him and said"why it is what i like to do and what r u going to do about it." They looked at me and keep saying" men what r you gay are something owning babies where that not and men".I did not what to say anything to him because they was making me so mad that i just watered to get out of the car to kick there Burt's. But i did not say anything to there but they was just keep on watch me all the time.So i that to my Mommy's house to tell hey she say"they are just mad because they can not do the thing's ab/dl babies can do in the world today".When she say that i was SO happy again inside.

1 comment:

MissLouisiana2008 said...

good work dr eyes! keep it up!!!!!!!
