Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wow What a friday !...

Ok this was what with down Friday right, 1 of my coworkers did Not come in that day and life us alot of work too do.I'm looking at the other people that I work what and say "LOOK I NOW WE CAN DO THIS SO LET'S TRY TO GET IT DONE AS FAST AS WE CAN SO THAT WE DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT NOO MORE". My other coworker saying to me "WHAT IF WE DO NOT GET THIS DONE ON TIME WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO HUH?!?!?! Men I was looking around the place like a dum ass saying in my hard.(I really think this work is too much for US and we will not make it to the END of are day...) But we did manage to get everything done on time and BOY I was sooo sleepy after that..

Saturday me did not doo too MUCH but SLEEP ALMOST ALL DAY,When my cousin called me saying " HEY BOR DO YOU WHAT TOOO GO SWIMMING TODAY?" I now that I was not up and said " LOOK I CAN NOT GO BECAUSE I HAVE NOT GOT THAT MUCH SLEEP!" and that's when the phone call end... Then I got up and started play some of my ABDL video's that I buy witch me LOVE SOO MUCH."hahaha" And then my PHONE started to *RING* and it was my mommmy she told me how was im doing and all these thing's all me can say was. "EVERYTHING IS OK NOTHING MUCH... WHERE YOU AT?" Then she told me where and I told her I'll be there.Me and mommy was sooo happy that she took my to her friends house to hangout just for alittle bit and her friend was telling me." dr.E is you going to move back in what your girlfriend?" I looked at my mommy then I looked at her friend "yea when my mother is ok what thing's then I'll move what my girlfriend" and boy she did not say anything else,but about how was my diaper thing going! and me say "it is going ok what me.."then she walked away.My mommy some like she did not like her friend's bf because her keep trying to talk about some movie are show he was trying to see..(me do not now and me will not be in with that..) After that I told my mommy/girlfriend that I'm about to go she got up and walk me to the door and say "make it HOME SAFE OK?!?!?!" and I looked at her and say "OK me will night night."And that falling NIGHT I ate and what to my room and GOT online for a little bit and then look at the rest of my abdl source's then fall FAST asleeep.

Will today I what swimming (it was FUN) after that I what home to try to EAT something WHEN my loving MOTHER came out saying "that she what me to buy her something at the store!" witch I did.And after that me play the VIDEO GAME,and still playing right now I hope that I do get to SAVE up for my CRIB that me is trying to get. And boy me is going to mess my SHOW soo much you may or may not seeen this "THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING" man I can not what to see the NEXT season NEXT summer I wahted to now what will go down what her,and if you have not seeen this show MEN you got to see what she do *WOW*.